
組別: 1 填寫人: 黃傑琦
一、 組織名稱:Jefferson Center
二、 網 址:{50312803-2164-47E3-BC01-BC67AAFEA22E}B6393BE%7D{29D69C97-B5DE-43F1-AA92-E17B572E0070}

三、 使用模式:Citizens Jury Process
一、 織推行模式、議題及成效概述
Citizens Jury Process
Citizens Jury on Community Engagement and Deliberative Democracy – 2005
16-member Citizens Jury as a demonstration project
The Citizens Jury in Perth showed that average citizens can and will make intelligent choices and interesting suggestions. They demonstrated the high quality results that can be achieved when citizens deliberate

二、 分析使用之議題手冊、議題脈絡及後續發展
三、 分析組織操作時優、缺點及其理由
The Advisory Committee is composed of approximately 4-10 individuals who are
knowledgeable about the issue.
The members of the Advisory Committee are important advisors to the project, but the
project staff makes all final project decisions.
透過提供足夠專業背景知識的建議智囊團隊 可以更適時的對討論問題有最精準的專家意見.
The use of a random survey to form the jury pool is an essential part of the Citizens Jury
process. The process of random selection is one of the key elements that sets the
Citizens Jury process apart from many other citizen engagement processes.
採用電話隨機詢問訪談 可給予受訪者更好的互動消息告知(優)

All survey participants who indicate an interest in the project receive addi
information about the project, the Jefferson Center, and the sponsors.

Jury Selection
Creating a jury that is truly representative of the given community (city, st
whatever) is yet another element unique to the Citizens Jury process.

Witness Selection
Expert witnesses include neutral resource people, stakeholders, and advocates from
various sides. Witnesses are carefully selected to present a balanced yet complete
picture of the issue. These witnesses help jurors learn new terms and can provide a brief history of the issue
指證目擊人團隊的存在 可提供來自各地實際狀況的專家意見陳述 不至於有許多言不及義的發言出現(優)

The charge is the task facing the jury. It usually takes the form of a question or series of
questions that the jurors will address and answer. The charge defines the scope of the
project and will guide the work of the jurors and the testimony of the witnesses.
互相指控與詢答過程 可以讓問者與答者兩者間得到最直接的問題與解答 不論答案是否滿意 對辯可以產生訴諸對方自身立場所在沒有顧忌的直接效果 (優)
氣氛可能會火爆 衝突 (缺)
The agenda for the hearings is carefully planned by project staff. Setting the agenda for
the hearings includes planning the order of witnesses, deliberation sessions, meals, Chapter
breaks, and more. A Citizens Jury typically meets for five consecutive days, from 8:30
AM to 4:30 PM.
連續五天的議程排定 不容易維持參與者完全度的參與(缺)

On the afternoon of the final day, the jury issues its findings and recommendations in a
public forum. An initial report is issued at this time. The recommendations appear in
language that the jurors themselves develop and approve

All jurors are asked to complete an evaluation of the project. The jurors evaluate the
process, various parts of the agenda, and project staff. One of the most important
questions asks the jurors if they feel the project was biased.
可讓參與者提出認為確切不公正的地方 陪審團可表達觀感回覆
兩者意見皆紀錄於報告中 不失公正(優)
The jurors are also given an opportunity to write a personal statement about the project.
The jurors may comment on the process, the project, the issue, or their own
The results of the evaluations and all personal statements are included in the final

四、 台灣未來推行時可借鏡之處
審議民主的推行之於台灣現況 執行人員除青輔會培訓的青年年齡層
參與執行人數實在是罕少 且專家邀請並不一定合適議題 也有邀請上的問題
再者是參與討論的公民有時候完全是搞錯目的而來甚至是特定目的而來 造成討論上的困擾
陪審團模式的優點 正可以為目前公民對話圈模式出現的這些問題提供不同的選擇
五、 小組挑選有興趣進一步演練之10個議題


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