
鍵盤,滑鼠 全域hook ,vb winAPI dll 引用法

C#篇 >>
VB篇 >>
vb的部分 會因為 Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0) 導致失敗

hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookExA(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHookProcedure, Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0)), 0)

得要使用winAPI GetModuleHandle() 去換掉 Marshal .....(細部參考c#篇)

'以下是jk 整合vb篇和c#篇後的結果 ~~測試ok可用
Public Class hook

#Region "定義結構"
Private Structure MouseHookStruct
Dim PT As Point
Dim Hwnd As Integer
Dim WHitTestCode As Integer
Dim DwExtraInfo As Integer
End Structure
Private Structure MouseLLHookStruct
Dim PT As Point
Dim MouseData As Integer
Dim Flags As Integer
Dim Time As Integer
Dim DwExtraInfo As Integer
End Structure
Private Structure KeyboardHookStruct
Dim vkCode As Integer
Dim ScanCode As Integer
Dim Flags As Integer
Dim Time As Integer
Dim DwExtraInfo As Integer
End Structure
#End Region

#Region "API聲明導入"
Public Shared Function GetModuleHandle(ByVal lpModuleName As String) As IntPtr
End Function
'--------------------寫法2-- 新名--------------------Alias 原名---------------------------
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" _
(ByVal idHook As Integer, _
ByVal lpfn As HookProc, _
ByVal hmod As Integer, _
ByVal dwThreadId As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal idHook As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function CallNextHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "CallNextHookEx" (ByVal idHook As Integer, ByVal ncode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Int32, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer

Public Declare Function ToAscii Lib "user32" (ByVal uVirtKey As Integer, ByVal uScancode As Integer, ByVal lpdKeyState As Byte(), ByVal lpwTransKey As Byte(), ByVal fuState As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (ByVal pbKeyState As Byte()) As Integer
Public Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
Public Delegate Function HookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
#End Region

#Region "常量聲明"

Private Const WH_MOUSE_LL = 14
Private Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13
Private Const WH_MOUSE = 7
Private Const WH_KEYBOARD = 2
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDOWN = &H207
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205
Private Const WM_MBUTTONUP = &H208
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206
Private Const WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = &H209
Private Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL = &H20A
Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100
Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101
Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN = &H104
Private Const WM_SYSKEYUP = &H105
Private Const VK_SHIFT As Byte = &H10
Private Const VK_CAPITAL As Byte = &H14
Private Const VK_NUMLOCK As Byte = &H90
#End Region
''' 滑鼠啟動事件
Public Event MouseActivity As MouseEventHandler
''' 鍵盤按下事件
Public Event KeyDown As KeyEventHandler
''' 鍵盤輸入事件
Public Event KeyPress As KeyPressEventHandler
''' 鍵盤鬆開事件
Public Event KeyUp As KeyEventHandler
Private hMouseHook As Integer
Private hKeyboardHook As Integer
Private Shared MouseHookProcedure As HookProc
Private Shared KeyboardHookProcedure As HookProc
''' 創建一個全域滑鼠鍵盤鉤子 (請使用Start方法開始監視)
Sub New()
End Sub
''' 創建一個全域滑鼠鍵盤鉤子,決定是否安裝鉤子
''' 是否立刻掛鉤系統消息
Sub New(ByVal InstallAll As Boolean)
If InstallAll Then StartHook(True, True)
End Sub
''' 創建一個全域滑鼠鍵盤鉤子,並決定安裝鉤子的類型
''' 掛鉤鍵盤消息
''' 掛鉤滑鼠消息
Sub New(ByVal InstallKeyboard As Boolean, ByVal InstallMouse As Boolean)
StartHook(InstallKeyboard, InstallMouse)
End Sub
''' 析構函數
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
UnHook() '卸載物件時反註冊系統鉤子
End Sub

Private Function KeyboardHookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
Dim handled As Boolean = False
If nCode >= 0 Then
Dim MyKeyboardHookStruct As KeyboardHookStruct = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, GetType(KeyboardHookStruct)), KeyboardHookStruct)
If wParam = WM_KEYDOWN OrElse wParam = WM_SYSKEYDOWN Then '如果消息為按下普通鍵或系統鍵
Dim e As New KeyEventArgs(MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode)
RaiseEvent KeyDown(Me, e) '啟動事件
handled = handled Or e.Handled '是否取消下一個鉤子
End If
If wParam = WM_KEYUP OrElse wParam = WM_SYSKEYUP Then
Dim e As New KeyEventArgs(MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode)
RaiseEvent KeyUp(Me, e)
handled = handled Or e.Handled
End If
If wParam = WM_KEYDOWN Then
Dim isDownShift As Boolean = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & &H80 = &H80)
Dim isDownCapslock As Boolean = (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) 0)
Dim keyState(256) As Byte
Dim inBuffer(2) As Byte
If ToAscii(MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode, MyKeyboardHookStruct.ScanCode, keyState, inBuffer, MyKeyboardHookStruct.Flags) = 1 Then
Dim key As Char = Chr(inBuffer(0))
If isDownCapslock Xor isDownShift And Char.IsLetter(key) Then
key = Char.ToUpper(key)
End If
Dim e As New KeyPressEventArgs(key)
RaiseEvent KeyPress(Me, e)
handled = handled Or e.Handled
End If
End If
If handled Then Return 1 Else Return CallNextHookEx(hKeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam)
End If
End Function
Private Function MouseHookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer
If nCode >= 0 Then
Dim mouseHookStruct As MouseLLHookStruct = DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, GetType(MouseLLHookStruct)), MouseLLHookStruct)
Dim moubut As MouseButtons = MouseButtons.None '滑鼠按鍵
Dim mouseDelta As Integer = 0 '滾輪值
Select Case wParam
moubut = MouseButtons.Left
Form1.ComboBox1.SelectedText = "L"
moubut = MouseButtons.Right
Form1.ComboBox1.SelectedText = "R"

moubut = MouseButtons.Middle
' MsgBox("MidB")
MsgBox("ROLL ~over")

Dim int As Integer = (mouseHookStruct.MouseData >> 16) And &HFFFF
If int > Short.MaxValue Then mouseDelta = int - 65536 Else mouseDelta = int
End Select
Dim clickCount As Integer = 0 '按一下次數
If moubut MouseButtons.None Then
clickCount = 2
clickCount = 1
End If
End If
Dim e As New MouseEventArgs(moubut, clickCount, mouseHookStruct.PT.X, mouseHookStruct.PT.Y, mouseDelta)
RaiseEvent MouseActivity(Me, e)
End If
Return CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook, nCode, wParam, lParam) '啟動下一個鉤子
End Function

''' 開始安裝系統鉤子
''' 掛鉤鍵盤消息
''' 掛鉤滑鼠消息
Public Sub StartHook(Optional ByVal InstallKeyboardHook As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal InstallMouseHook As Boolean = False)

If InstallKeyboardHook AndAlso hKeyboardHook = 0 Then

Dim curProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess
Dim curModule = curProcess.MainModule
KeyboardHookProcedure = New HookProc(AddressOf KeyboardHookProc)

Dim hook_intptr = GetModuleHandle(curModule.ModuleName)
' Dim hook_int = Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0))

hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyboardHookProcedure, hook_intptr, 0)

If hKeyboardHook = 0 Then '檢測是否註冊完成
UnHook(True, False) '在這裡反註冊

'Throw New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error) '報告錯誤
End If
End If
If InstallMouseHook AndAlso hMouseHook = 0 Then

Dim curProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess
Dim curModule = curProcess.MainModule
MouseHookProcedure = New HookProc(AddressOf MouseHookProc)
Dim hook_intptr = GetModuleHandle(curModule.ModuleName)
hMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, MouseHookProcedure, hook_intptr, 0)
If hMouseHook = 0 Then
UnHook(False, True)
' Throw New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error)

End If
End If
End Sub
''' 立刻卸載系統鉤子
''' 卸載鍵盤鉤子
''' 卸載滑鼠鉤子
''' 是否報告錯誤
Public Sub UnHook(Optional ByVal UninstallKeyboardHook As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal UninstallMouseHook As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal ThrowExceptions As Boolean = False)
If hKeyboardHook 0 AndAlso UninstallKeyboardHook Then
Dim retKeyboard As Integer = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyboardHook)
hKeyboardHook = 0
If ThrowExceptions AndAlso retKeyboard = 0 Then '如果出現錯誤,是否報告錯誤
Throw New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error) '報告錯誤
End If
End If
If hMouseHook 0 AndAlso UninstallMouseHook Then
Dim retMouse As Integer = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook)
hMouseHook = 0
If ThrowExceptions AndAlso retMouse = 0 Then
Throw New Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error)
End If
End If
End Sub

''' 鍵盤鉤子是否無效
Public Property KeyHookInvalid() As Boolean
Return hKeyboardHook = 0
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If value Then UnHook(True, False) Else StartHook(True, False)
End Set
End Property
''' 滑鼠鉤子是否無效
Public Property MouseHookInvalid() As Boolean
Return hMouseHook = 0
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
If value Then UnHook(False, True) Else StartHook(False, True)
End Set
End Property
End Class

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